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July 2024
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China's BYD is set to take Tesla's crown as the world's No. 1 producer of battery electric vehicles

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Counterpoint Research on Tuesday said China "remains a dominant force in the BEV market" with BYD leading the way.

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posted at: 12:00am on 04-Jul-2024
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Microsoft reaches settlement in California over claims it punished employees for taking protected time off

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Microsoft has agreed to pay $14.4 million to settle claims that the company unfairly treated California employees who took protected time off.

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posted at: 12:00am on 04-Jul-2024
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If AI is the 'gas guzzler' of data, how do we get better mileage?

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While data quality has been top of mind for years, identifying data essential for AI and training models is another challenge.

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posted at: 12:00am on 04-Jul-2024
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How to add vertical tabs to Chrome browser (there's a free extension for that)

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Vertical tabs can help make your browsing more efficient and manageable, especially when the number of open tabs gets out of hand. Here's how you can add this feature to Chrome.

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posted at: 12:00am on 04-Jul-2024
path: /Technology | permalink | edit (requires password)

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My tech secrets to stress-free travel: 9 essential gadgets and how I track everything

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During my travels this year, I've streamlined and fine-tuned my process - and I'm ready to share it with you. Here's the kit I use and how I pack it.

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posted at: 12:00am on 04-Jul-2024
path: /Technology | permalink | edit (requires password)

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July 2024
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