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July 2024
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Generative AI is new attack vector endangering enterprises, says CrowdStrike CTO

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Gen AI opens up all kinds of opportunities to obtain sensitive data without even building malware.

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posted at: 12:01am on 01-Jul-2024
path: /Technology | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Gen Z's shopping decisions are heavily driven by TikTok and influencers, report finds

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Brands are reassessing their supply chain strategies and emphasizing social commerce platforms to cater to Gen Z, especially TikTok and Instagram.

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posted at: 12:01am on 01-Jul-2024
path: /Technology | permalink | edit (requires password)

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The best Motorola phones of 2024: Expert tested and reviewed

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We tested the best Motorola phones that offer a clean software experience and comfortable-to-hold hardware -- all at prices you can't beat.

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posted at: 12:01am on 01-Jul-2024
path: /Technology | permalink | edit (requires password)

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The best 4K TVs of 2024: Expert tested and reviewed

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You don't need to spend a fortune for a quality TV. We tested the best 4K TVs so you can pick the right one for your needs.

Read more here

posted at: 12:01am on 01-Jul-2024
path: /Technology | permalink | edit (requires password)

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July 2024
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