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June 2024
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From $40 billion fraud to $4.5 billion settlement: Inside the latest crypto firm paying big bucks to end legal trouble

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Do Kwon's Terraform Labs the latest crypto villain to settle with the U.S.

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posted at: 12:00am on 17-Jun-2024
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Activist Starboard amasses Autodesk stake, weighs suit over delayed probe disclosure

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Autodesk has been under deep scrutiny over an accounting scandal that led to the resignation of its CFO over potentially inflated financial metrics.

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posted at: 12:00am on 17-Jun-2024
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Malaysia is emerging as a data center powerhouse amid booming demand from AI

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According to DC Byte's 2024 Global Data Centre Index, the city of Johor Bahru is the fastest growing data center market in Southeast Asia.

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posted at: 12:00am on 17-Jun-2024
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5 ways to be a great leader at work

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Effective leadership skills are tough to acquire and even harder to refine. Here's how you can become a better manager.

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posted at: 12:00am on 17-Jun-2024
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Can governments turn AI safety talk into action?

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Industry players and governments discuss guardrails for AI, but aren't deploying them. Here's what's missing.

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posted at: 12:00am on 17-Jun-2024
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How to use ChatGPT to analyze PDFs for free

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Got a massive PDF to sift through? Here's how to save time with an AI assistant that can read, summarize, outline, and more.

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posted at: 12:00am on 17-Jun-2024
path: /Technology | permalink | edit (requires password)

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June 2024
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